Deep Foundations

Premier investigates subsurface conditions, provides design support and evaluates your foundation systems. We consider your specific project and structural load and determine the support you need, soil type and any other site constraints. We consult on the following deep foundation solutions:
Deep Foundation Systems
Helical Piles
Micro Piles
Precast Concrete Piles
Auger Cast-in-Place Piles
Drilled Shafts
Timber Piles
Full/Partial Displacement Piles
Testing and Observation
Pile Installation Monitoring
Pile Dynamic Analyzer (PDA)
Pile Integrity Testing (PIT)
Single Hole Sonic Logging (SSL)
Cross Hole Sonic Logging (CSL)
Pile Load Testing - Compression
Pile Load Testing - Lateral
Pile Load Testing – Tension
Grout sampling and testing
Concrete sampling and testing
Timber Pile Plant Inspection