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Geotechnical Engineering


Premier prides itself not only in providing high-quality engineering design services but also providing practical and economical engineering designs with a high-level of effective communication. Our geotechnical engineering group is extremely hands-on and very sensitive to its clients’ needs and desires. The following are some of the engineering design services we offer:


Geotechnical Engineering


  • Site Investigations

  • Shallow and deep foundation system design and construction considerations

  • Excavations and dewatering design and considerations

  • Specification review and consulting

  • Site preparation recommendations and considerations

  • Value engineering services

  • LRFD and ASD deep foundation design for bridges

  • Below-grade retaining wall design and considerations

  • Rigid and flexible pavement design/rehabilitation recommendations per AASHTO and LADOTD requirements

  • Site stability and retention design and consideration

  • Slope Stability Analysis


Geotechnical Laboratory Testing


  • Triaxial compression tests with pore pressure measurements

  • Unconfined compression tests on soil

  • Standard and Modified Proctor compaction tests

  • Atterberg limit tests

  • Sieve analysis tests

  • Hydrometer tests

  • Moisture content tests

  • Dry density tests

  • Specific gravity tests

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