Premier Geotech and Testing recently had the opportunity to do the soil testing for a very interesting project in Clinton, LA: A STORM SHELTER!!!
Over the past few years, severe weather and storms seem to be intensifying and occurring more frequently. Our team enjoyed the opportunity to work with people interested in taking precautions to preserve life in the event of a natural disaster.
This project consisted of our drill team performing two borings with our ATV-mounted drill rig. One boring was drilled to fifty feet and the other drilled down to twenty-five feet.
The fifty-foot boring was drilled not only to provide a foundational recommendation but to also provide a slope stability analysis since the structure will be built on a downward slope with a ten-foot elevation change.
For Premier Geotech and Testing, it was IMPERATIVE that we get our part of the project RIGHT so that this investment will be constructed properly to protect lives and stand the test of time!