George Carr Memorial Airport
Bogalusa, LA
A Public-Use General Aviation Airport Located just north from the Town of Bogalusa.
The purpose of this project was to conduct a geotechnical study to collect information about the subsurface materials at the project site for a mill and overlay of the existing asphalt pavement on both terminal apron and taxiway.
Using a truck mounted drilling equipment, the Premier Team performed a total of ten (10) borings and collected soil samples at 2-foot intervals continuously to a depth of ten (10) feet below the existing grade following the requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) AC 15/5320-6F Airport Design and Evaluation specifications.
Laboratory testing results and the associated engineering analysis provided the basis for the asphalt mill and overlay recommendations. New construction should begin on this project soon and the city of Bogalusa will benefit from an upgraded aviation infrastructure.